The Homeschool Mother's Journal, Week 11

The Homeschool Mother’s Journal is hosted by The Homeschool Chick. Click the link or the button below to see how you can participate and/or to read other link ups.  
The Homeschool Mother's Journal  
In my life this week...

We were incredibly blessed with an 85% reduction of my hosptial bill and a $500 check toward our new $805 bill! The Lord is so good!
My youngest daughter lost her 5th tooth, which is always cause for cellebration. 

In our homeschool this week...

We've been watching the Decorah Eagle in anticipation of their first hatchling of the season! I encourage you to check it out! The eggs are expected to hatch today (April 1, 2011) and I'm sure we'll be glued to the screen as much as possible.  

We started a Latin program this week.  Getting Started with Latin, I love the layout and progression so far, the cost was a huge bonus for us (about $19.00) with free online Audio and Commentary.  It is written by William Linney who has a passion for Latin and wrote this specifically for his niece, a homeschooler!

We've avoided going outside this week.  Although we go out throughout the winter, it is so hard to go out into the cold 30's after we've been teased with 60 and 70 degree weather a week ago! We are expecting fantastic weather this weekend!

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We've been invited out to a farm to see the new baby calves, lambs and kids! As soon as they are born they will give us a call, the girls are very excited about the opportunity!

My favorite thing this week was...

The Eagles are pulling in to first place this week, what a joy it is to live with today's technology! 
We had dinner guests from one of the churches we are serving, it was great to spend time with them and the fact that she was a homeschooling mom was a bonus!

What's working/not working for us...

Loving our schedule, it makes life so much easier.

Homeschool questions/thoughts...

I decided to start documenting our homeschool supply list for 2011, we can actually recieve a 75% state refund of our educational expenses so documentation is important.  I also wanted to have an acurate idea of our yearly cost to homeschool.  When your on a super tight budget like we are (hence our website resources!) I need to be sure I'm not wasting what we do have.  So I am armed with a quick chart for my planner!

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

The Eagles nest.


  1. Hi! I came over from THMJ. I am excited about your site and can't wait till I have more time to look over everything!

  2. We went to a farm this past week too! Turns out two of the horses and the donkey are all expecting and we were invited back to watch the delivery of one, whenever that happens. :)

  3. How exciting to observe that eagle and her eggs!

  4. Going to check out your schedule, maybe it will help us.
