How We Schedule Our Day

I've posted about the Workbox Approach to scheduling here.  Since then I've had to revamp how we do our daily scheduling.  Not only are we now following the Charlotte Mason approach, but living in tight quarters has prevented us from using the folder system.

Once I made myself a planning page, scheduling our school day was easy (as you will see at the end of this post).   Here is how I did it.
First you can check out my post about having a plan for your child's education,  I take my planning from this document.

Second, you'll notice that the page is divided in half, the top half contains the subjects that we finish during our regular "school" time which ends at 1pm.

The bottom half contains the things we do throughout the day or in the evenings with my Husband.  Or subjects that only need to be completed once per week.  For example; after introducing a new composer, music study consists of me playing a selection of music from that composer while the girls play or read.

The next thing you'll notice is the color coding.  To me, this is the most valuable part of my schedule.  All of our subjects are listed on the left of the page, but only the boxes that are colored are completed during our "school" time on any given day.  This really makes planning quick and it prevents the kids from asking to do subjects that are not scheduled for that day.

To plan out the color coding I first put all the primary subjects for every day at the top and colored them all the same, most of the work is done at this point.  I also gave us a day off from our "regular" subjects (Day #5) so that we can dive deep into some other areas, like art or science, and not feel rushed.  It is tempting to make everything a daily subject, but resist the urge to overwhelm yourself and your children.

As for the rest of the subjects, I determined how many days a week are needed to complete a subject in a variety of ways.  Some subjects have a syllabus and tell you what is required in order to complete the course by the end of the school year.  For others I did some quick math, or I determined how often by the amount of time it took to complete a lesson.  For all subjects I tried to be sure that the top half of the page would be completed by 1pm.

Once you have the color coding complete you are ready to start scheduling, it usually only takes me 1 or 2 minutes to schedule each child's page.  You'll notice that often my scheduling is simply marking down the next lesson in the book we're working through.  This is really helpful for the the kids and I, and it gives me a record of the school year.

If you are following the public school calendar (either traditional or year-round), just cross out the days that are holidays etc, and keep moving if you'd like.  For example, our school system takes two weeks off for Christmas, my girls took about a week and then they were BORED and really needed to get back into the swing of school.  I had crossed off two pages in my planner to coincide with the public school schedule and just jumped to the next week. Since I follow the public school calendar for accountability in my homeschool, this was the easiest way to compare my schedule with the public school schedule and feel like I'm on track.  This is the reason for the Week # at the top of the page, I numbered the weeks on the school calendar to gauge where we are in relation to the school schedule. 

Quick Tips:
The kids enjoyed checking off their own work (and even get to use my special red "teacher" pencil) and choosing what they would like to do next.

I keep all this in one three ring binder and each of the girls have their own tabbed divider.  It was very helpful to use clips to attach the pages to the dividers. Attaching the pages to both the front divider and the next child's divider (a picture is worth a thousand words, see right.)This prevented them from having to flip through the pages, they just flip their tab and its ready for them to mark it off. 

I print in color/draft mode to save on ink, and print double sided.

I recommend that you only print about 2 extra schedule pages (4 weeks) at a time.  You'll be tweaking your schedule until you get into a rhythm. You can download a PDF copy of my scheduling page HERE or an editable .doc HERE

Please honor my copyright and if you would like to share this with someone, please refer them to my website.  Enjoy.

If you are wondering about the Life Skills subject visit this post for a list of life skills you may wish to teach your child.  Although it is not a "school subject" I put it on our schedule so I wouldn't forget to work on it a little each week.  Homeschooling is a beautiful thing.


  1. Thanks for sharing this, especially the editable PDF.

  2. This rocks! exactly what I need for Year 2 of AO, now that I've gotten the swing of things this year. Thank you!

  3. Wonderful resource! I plan on pinning it, if that is OK. That way when I start to plan our year, I can come back, print and schedule! :)

    Thank you!

  4. I just found your blog through Pinterest. Always happy to find other CM homeschool families! Following your blog now. :)

  5. I agree with Jennifer, Thanks a million!! This is our first year homeschooling and you are making it so much easier for me to plan this year and every year after. I was wondering if you could put a link up for your "The Big Picture" schedule? This is such a great resource for me, so I can see what were using when we're using it and how we're going to get to the end.

    Thanks again!!

  6. Thank you Ladies, I'm glad that you are enjoying the site. I have a link to the Big Picture near the top of the post but here is is again:

  7. Thank you for this post. We are using an online public school this year for Kindergarten, but I'm trying to plan ahead for 1st grade when I would like to branch off and use a more CM method.

    Thank you for this post. :) I look forward to reading the rest of your blog.

  8. Thank you! This is just what I needed to get my scattered brain back together. Quick Question (Curiosity, really. It's always neat to find out what other CMers use)...what is S.W. R.?
    Again, thanks for sharing!

  9. Thank you for a wonderful post. I am quite a ways away from home schooling as I don't have kids yet; however I want to have everything semi ready, and in order for when I do have kids. This seems like a great way to organize the school year. Out of curiosity, what does S.W.R. mean?

  10. This is really helpful--thanks for sharing the editable doc, too.

  11. S.W.R. is Spell to Write and Read
